Past Events (Page 20)

Zoom Book Discussion

Dear Church: A Love Letter from a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the US (by Pastor Lenny Duncan) Lenny Duncan is the unlikeliest of pastors. Formerly incarcerated, he is now a black preacher in the whitest denomination in the United States: the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). He received his Masters of…

Here to There Saturday Night Fellowship

Saturday, October 3, 7:00 -8:00 pmJoin us for online zoom fellowship by playing Here to There. This online game doesn’t require any apps or logons – just join the zoom call and have fun from the comfort and safety of your home. Sign up here! All ages are welcome and we ask you to sign up. We will…

Special Online Worship Service

Our online service on September 20, will be a special service offered by Lutherans Restoring Creation. Taking part will be ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton; composer and musician Marty Haugen, with his hymn “Sing Out Earth and Skies;” the Rev. Barbara Rossing, LSTC New Testament professor, preaching; also the Rev. Lenny Duncan, Rebekah Bruesehoff and…

Blessing of the Devices

Martin Luther said, “If you are a craftsman… only look at your tools, your needle, your thimble, your beer barrel, your articles of trade, your scales, your measures, and you will find this saying written on them… “My dear, use me toward your neighbor, as you would want him to act toward you with that…

Cleaning/Toiletries Collection

Drive-thru collection for the Keystone Opportunity Center in Souderton. Just drive up to the lobby circle at Trinity! We’ll take the bags from your car! Contact-less drop off. Items requested are: cleaning, household and personal products including toilet paper, cleaning spray, laundry detergent (not Dollar Tree), dish soap. toilet brushes, sponges/scrubbies, toiletries, hand soap, and…

Movies & Meaning

Just Mercy ZOOM Conversation You’re invited to participate in “Movies and Meaning.” Sometimes movies help us look at the world in a different way or show us something about ourselves. Sign up to participate on our conversation – Watch “Just Mercy” on the streaming service you prefer (Streaming for free on Amazon Prime). I…

School supplies collection

Contact-less drive-thru drop off for the Mitzvah Circle Foundation. Pull through the circle at Trinity to drop off your donations of school supplies and toiletries. Please place donations in bags in your trunk or back of your SUV. Call or email Cricket Snearing, 610-715-5438 or, if you have questions or would like to volunteer that…

Movies & Meaning

Encounters at the End of the World ZOOM Conversation You’re invited to participate in “Movies and Meaning.” Sometimes movies help us look at the world in a different way or show us something about ourselves. Sign up to participate on our conversation – Watch “Encounters at the End of the World” on the streaming…

FOOD DROP OFF for Manna on Main Street

FEED THE HUNGRY – RESTOCKING MANNA CUPBOARD  Manna staff went to their cupboard and ….you know the rest from the fairy tale…and this is real from serving so many more people in need. Trinity’s Social Ministry, FEAST, Hospitality and other volunteers and staff have organized a SAFE DONATION DROP-OFF at the Trinity Circle main entrance…

“Being In Tandem as a Couple” Workshop

Sylvia Saenger, fellow Lutheran and friend of Meg Ehm and Katie Risser, is offering a 4-week live, virtual (using Zoom) course designed for couples, both married and dating. Each one-hour session focuses on helping couples fine-tune how to live together. The result…truly cherishing each other. And that leads to living together respectfully, peacefully and lovingly. Class discussion is…