About Us

Our Mission and Core Values

Our Core Values:
Caring for others with love and compassion.  
Nurturing Christian disciples at all ages and stages of faith
Connecting with God’s grace and forgiveness through worship, thanksgiving, and prayer.
Strengthening relationship within the body of Christ, embracing diversity.

We celebrate God’s presence with us in bread and wine almost every worship experience.  All are invited to come forward to received this special gift. The bread will be placed in your open hands. You are then invited to dip it into the cup and receive both together. We offer 3 services weekly, with Fellowship, Sunday School and Faith Formation at 9:45 a.m. September – May. Summer services begin the weekend after Memorial Day until Labor Day.




Our worship services require masking for those who are not yet fully vaccinated. Please also maintain physical distancing. Masking is optional for those who have been fully vaccinated.


Sunday School, Activities or Fellowship
Ages 4 – Grade 7- Sundays, 9:45 – 10:30 am
Click here for more information.

Learning Connections are offered for adults, Sundays, 9:45 am


Sundays, 9:45 am Time for fellowship and deepening our relationships with each other.


The carpeted space in the transept, on the baptismal font side of the Sanctuary, is intended for families with infants, toddlers, and young school-age children. In this space young children can participate in quiet activities during worship with their parents close by them. In order to ensure this space continues to be a welcoming space for families with young children, please remember to accompany your child to the PraiseGround and remain in the seats behind or next to the PraiseGround.

Special Communion Needs

The church offers grape juice and gluten-free wafers for those with certain diet restrictions.

Magnifying Sheets

Magnifying sheets are available at the Welcome Center in the lobby.

Radio Broadcast

Each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Trinity’s 10:45 am worship service is broadcast on Radio WORD FM, 97.1 FM.

Handicap-Wheelchair Accessible

The facilities are Handicap Accessible and Handicap Parking spaces are designated in the parking lot.

What We Believe

We believe in the Triune God. God created and loves all of creation — the earth and the seas and all of the world’s inhabitants. We believe that God’s Son, Jesus Christ, transforms lives through his death on the cross and his new life, and we trust that God’s Spirit is active in the world. We are part of God’s unfolding desire for the world. When we gather for worship, we connect with believers everywhere. When we study the Bible or hear God’s word in worship, we are drawn more deeply into God’s own saving story. The convictions shared by Christians from many different traditions are expressed in statements of belief called creeds. These ecumenical creeds that Lutherans affirm and use in worship confess the faith of the church through the ages and around the world. The Confession of Faith of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is part of our founding constitution. The ELCA accepts the following creeds as true declarations of the faith of this church: the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed. Trinity is a Reconciling in Christ congregation. ALL are welcome.