“Being In Tandem as a Couple” Workshop

Sylvia Saenger, fellow Lutheran and friend of Meg Ehm and Katie Risser, is offering a 4-week live, virtual (using Zoom) course designed for couples, both married and dating. Each one-hour session focuses on helping couples fine-tune how to live together. The result…truly cherishing each other. And that leads to living together respectfully, peacefully and lovingly.

Class discussion is on the content being learned only, not your private discussions.  We ask that you, as a couple, set aside 30-60 minutes of uninterrupted, distraction-free time each week so that you can have the private conversations necessary to apply what you are learning in class. 

Course Outline:

Pre-Work: Taking the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), if you have not already done so (fee for Myers Briggs – financial assistance available)

Session 1: Debriefing and Receiving Your MBTI Results 
Exploring 4 definitions of “oneness”

Session 2: Understanding Talking & Listening, Scheduling & Spontaneity
Looking at How Flocks of Birds and Relationships are Similar

Session 3: How Can We Think Like That? How Can We Act Like That? 
Exploring How Our Brain Stem Impacts Our Communication

Session 4: Putting it All Together – Using All Preferences
Creating a Habit of Touchstone Time
Gazing Down the Road 25 Years From Now…

Day: Tuesdays

Where: Virtually, using Zoom

Dates: June 2, 9, 16, 23, 7:30 – 8:30 pm

Cost: Class is Free

$35/person for taking the MBTI, if you have not already done so.

Financial assistance available, email Sylvia: sylvia@cherishingthefamily.com

To Enroll: https://cherishingthefamily.com/classes/online-courses/being-in-tandem-as-a-couple/


If you would like to know more about this course, please contact Katie Risser at ktrisser@gmail.com