Trinity FEAST Garden Prepared for 2024 Hunger Needs
Produce prices have risen rapidly due to bad storms in growing areas as well as inflationary
factors. FEAST and MANNA struggle to provide for hungry families who are facing rising
costs for everything. Both programs are at 150% capacity. The Trinity Garden makes it possible for FEAST to meet this ever-growing need with a surplus from the Garden sent to Manna on Main Street.
Denny Smith and Trinty’s Monday Morning Crew are weeding the garden and preparing the soil. Head Gardener Susan Delp is seeking a small number of helpers to seed the Garden shortly after Mother’s Day. Garden Tenders are needed from mid-May through September.
Tenders are needed to keep the beds watered when there is insufficient rain, remove weeds and harvest the produce when it matures. The Garden has 3 rows of 5 beds each. Tenders signup to take care of 1 or more rows for a week. A family or group may signup for multiple rows or more than one week. Water and some tools are available at the site. When picking produce bring bags or boxes and take it to the Hyson Hall kitchen.
For more information contact Head Gardner Susan Delp at or Ministry Coordinator Tom Mellon at or 215-990-8762.