School supplies collection

Contact-less drive-thru drop off for the Mitzvah Circle Foundation.

Pull through the circle at Trinity to drop off your donations of school supplies and toiletries. Please place donations in bags in your trunk or back of your SUV.

Call or email Cricket Snearing, 610-715-5438 or, if you have questions or would like to volunteer that morning.

What to donate:

  • Any school supplies – pencils, sharpeners, pink erasers, notebooks, notebook paper, composition books, dividers, crayons, colored pencils, spiral notebooks, pocket folders, Bic pens
  • Toiletries – shampoo, body wash, lotion, toothbrushes and toothpaste, diaper cream, baby wipes

If you can’t come to the drive-thru, you can make a donation on the Mitzvah Circle website,, and indicate “Trinity Supply Drive-thru”. You can also go to the website and make a donation through the Amazon Wish List button!