Blessing of the Devices

Martin Luther said, “If you are a craftsman… only look at your tools, your needle, your thimble, your beer barrel, your articles of trade, your scales, your measures, and you will find this saying written on them… “My dear, use me toward your neighbor, as you would want him to act toward you with that which is his.”

Each year, our ritual of blessing backpacks reminds children that God is with them each day as they go off to learn, and that we can use instruments of learning inside those backpacks, as Martin Luther reminds us, as a means of serving and caring for our neighbor. Since we won’t likely need to carry backpacks at the start of this school year, let’s have a blessing of our devices instead! If you plan to come to Outdoor Worship on August 30, please bring your device along for a blessing. We’ll also include the blessing in our online service, so have it ready if you choose to worship in that way as well!