After watching the video, discuss the following as a family:
- What do you know about Lent? Have you done any practices during Lent in the past? Why do you think we celebrate it?
- Ash Wednesday is a holiday about repentance. The word “repent” means to “turn away” or “to change your heart and mind.” What are some things in your life that you might need to turn away from? What are some things you could do that might give you a “change of heart”?
- This video talks about the purpose of Lent, namely to draw us into relationship with other people and with God. What are some things you could do as individuals or as a family to care for other people or to help other people this Lent?
- Pray the following or a similar prayer: Dear God, there are so many things that draw us from you and your love for us. Help us to turn from those things that get in the way. This Lent, help us turn to You and to love those you call us to. In Jesus’ name. Amen.