Parables of the Kingdom: Jan. 28, 2015

After watching this video, discuss some or all of the following as a family:

  1. Read the Parable of the “Good Samaritan” Luke 10:25-37.  Instead of giving us easy answers, parables are meant to catch us off guard and often have surprising outcomes.  What’s surprising about this parable?
  2. When you read this parable, who do you feel most like in the story?  The Samaritan?  The person needing help?  One of the men who passed by?
  3. How does a parable like this speak to us today?  Are there people we pass by who need help?  Do others sometimes pass us by?  Who do you think notices people the world often doesn’t notice?
  4. What do you think this parable teaches us about God?
  5. Say the following prayer or one of your own:  Dear God, when others fail to notice us, we know that you are there caring for us.  Help us to notice others and to do our part to show your love to everyone in need.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.