Nacho Average Sunday School



This fall faith formation at Trinity is going to look a little different. Sunday morning classes will take place from 9:30 – 10:15 am falling between the early (contemporary) service which starts at 8:30 and the late (traditional) service which starts at 10:30.

To celebrate and share what all this means, the Faith Formation Hub is holding a special event, “Nacho Average Sunday School” on Sunday, August 5, at 11:30 am in Hyson Hall for disciples of all ages. The hub leadership team wants to hear from children and youth about their experience with faith formation (Sunday School) and from older youth and adults about their dreams for their own faith formation experience. The three track format for older youth and adults will be explained and there will be an opportunity for those disciples to share the kinds of things they would like to explore in these tracks. Teachers will be on hand to talk about their experiences in sharing the Good News with the children of Trinity.

If you have thought about teaching Sunday School but were hesitant due to time constraints, come learn about the team teaching approach to be implemented this year. Flexibility is the name of the game as we recruit three leaders (teachers/assistants) per class. Using this model, teachers
do not have to teach or necessarily be present
each Sunday.

Come join the fun, eat some nachos and churros, and learn about the wonderful opportunities to grow in faith awaiting you and starting in September.

Save the date, August 5, 11:30 am