Inspired to Serve

Shared interests, deep faith, and love have led Al and Marguerite Hanna in their call to serve others. Trinity members since 1990, the church was an easy choice. Al recalls, “We were new to the area and had visited a number of churches. But it was a visit from Pastor Hyson that really made the difference.” And that, as they say, was the beginning of a beautiful thing!

The Hannas recall how they jumped right in, got involved, and became leaders in a number of ministries and activities. “We really didn’t know many people, and were eager to form relationships with others at Trinity, so when the staff asked us if we would share the leadership role for Adult Group Life ministry, we said yes!” And, as it turned out, this group, lasting fifteen years, offered Trinity members and friends lots of opportunities for fun and fellowship. Al says, “As we got to know more people, we became more and more involved.”

The Hannas, parents of two children and grandparents to six young adults, have personally experienced cross-generational worship and service experiences. Marguerite says, “We’ve shared so many wonderful life experiences at Trinity. Our daughter was married at Trinity and three of our grandchildren were baptized here.”
Inspired to serve, Marguerite served on the transition team in 2009 and Al was on the call committee from 2010-2011. Al was also on the church council from 2012-2017 and both Marguerite and Al participated on the Shared Vision Team, whose diligent work resulted in Trinity’s mission statement. Currently Al is the Ministry Coordinator of Assisting Ministers and Marguerite serves on Church Decorating.

Together, the Hannas are sharing their faith and experiences with each other. They say, “It’s really brought us closer. We both cherish our experiences and talk much more about our faith. Today Al and Marguerite participate in a number of Trinity’s ministry teams together. Faithfully serving in worship ministries, they enjoy being ushers, communion assistants, and singing in the Trinity Choir.

Serving in Christian Care has recently called Marguerite as the new Baptism Ministry Coordinator. Marguerite says, “Being a part of the Baptism ministry is wonderful. Meeting the parents, and being a part of the first steps in their family’s faith journey just brings tears to my eyes.” Together Al and Marguerite serve as Baptism Guides and Eucharistic Ministers.

The Hannas have a message for all of us. They agree, “Church is about relationships, and walking your life path through faith. We have been truly
blessed to serve others in so many ways. No matter how little or how much time you decide to give, try something and get involved, you will gain so much more than you give.”