Death and Resurrection: February 15, 2017

After watching the video discuss as a family or small group:

  1. Suffering is a part of the human experience. Every person faces suffering in some way. How does a God who suffers with us make a difference?
  2. When have you been tempted to believe that all there is to life is what you can see, hold, and buy? What things actually give the most meaning to your life?
  3. How does the Resurrection of Jesus turn our world upside down or turn back the clock on death? That is, how would the promise that Jesus overcame death make us see our life and death differently?
  4. When have you seen a hopeless situation turn around? How can everyday life show us a glimpse of what death and resurrection look like?

After your discussion, say the following prayer or one like it: God of our hope, when we feel lost, frightened, or alone, remind us of the good news that you bring life from death. Bring life into the dead places of our lives that we might rise up to live for you. In the name of Jesus. Amen.