Theology of Suffering: February 1, 2017

After watching the video discuss as a family or small group:

  1. Some people think that “everything happens for a reason.” Do you believe that? That is, does God cause everything to happen, good and bad? Why or why not?
  2. When something bad happens, is it easier or harder to believe in God? How do you think God is at work when people or our world suffers?
  3. When have you seen something good come out of a bad experience? Do you know people whose faith has been strengthened through a really difficult experience?
  4. What should our response be if someone experiences suffering, whether it’s their own fault or not? How would a loving God ask us to respond?

After your discussion, say the following prayer or one like it: God, we do not always know why things happen. Sometimes it seems there is no reason. But we trust that whatever comes our way, you are there. Help us to see and feel your presence in the broken places of this world, and to look for opportunities to show your love to others who are struggling in any way. In the name of Jesus. Amen.