Lost and Found: January 4, 2017

After watching the video discuss as a family or small group:

  1. This video shows simple examples of young people finding themselves in difficult circumstances. What are some difficult challenges you face that can feel overwhelming at times? What helps you in those situations?
  2. This week we’ll be talking about parables of the lost being found. What does being lost look and feel like in our world today? Have you ever come across someone who seems “lost”? How could you be going about your normal everyday life and still feel lost?
  3. When has someone “found you” when you were in a bad place? Who are the people who help you when you are struggling?
  4. What does knowing that we have a Lord who seeks out the lost give us comfort whatever circumstances we find ourselves in?

After your discussion, say the following prayer or one like it: Loving God, oftentimes we can feel lost or alone in the midst of the troubles of our lives. Remind us that you are with us even there in our darkest times, guiding us all home. In the name of Jesus. Amen.