Healing: December 7, 2016

After watching the video discuss as a family or small group:

  1. This is a simplistic video about Jesus healing a disabled man, but it also gives a powerful example of one of the healing stories of Jesus. Do you believe miracles like this one literally happened just like this? If so, or even if you’re skeptical, what do you think these stories are meant to teach us?
  2. What makes this story most powerful is that four friends bring the sick person to Jesus. How does Jesus use ordinary people to bring about healing? What kind of healing does Jesus provide in our world today? How do we participate in healing?
  3. Jesus said he came not for the well, but for those who are sick. What do you think he meant by that? What kind of healing do all people need? What kind of healing does our world need?

After your discussion, say the following prayer or one like it: Healer of our every ill, light of each tomorrow, give us peace beyond our fear, and hope beyond our sorrow. In Jesus’ name. Amen.