Feeding the Hungry: November 16, 2016

Main video:

Bonus video!
After watching the videos discuss as a family or small group:

  1. Think of a time when you were really hungry. What does being hungry do to you? How do you feel? Can you think straight?
  2. How does our own hunger motivate us to care for others who are hungry or hurting?
  3. The first video comes from an organization called “Feed My Starving Children,” who works across the world to feed hungry kids. They believe that before anything else, we need to feed children who are hungry. How does feeding other people relate to what we do in worship on Sunday mornings or what we do as the Church in general?
  4. Our story this week is about Jesus feeding hungry people. Jesus spoke about feeding the hungry and caring the poor more than just about any other subject. Why do you think this was at the center of Jesus’ work in the world?

After your discussion, say the following prayer or one like it: God of abundance, you give us more blessings than we can count out of your love for us. Send us out to feed our neighbors and the whole world with that same love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.