God Working Through Brokenness: November 18, 2015

After watching the video, discuss the following questions as a family:

  1. The word Jacob can be translated as “cheat.” In the story of Jacob and Esau, Jacob cheats his brother out of blessings. When have you ever cheated someone out of something? Or, when have you been cheated out of something?
  2. Why does God let bad things happen to good people? That is, why does God not put a stop to us doing the wrong things?
  3. Do you believe that God still works through our bad choices or bad circumstances? How so?
  4. How might you respond when bad things happen to you?

Say a prayer  together as a family.  You might use the following prayer as a guide:  Dear God, thank you for working with us as imperfect as we are.  When we are at our lowest, remind us that you are still at work, bringing about good in our lives and in this world.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.