God Uses Vulnerability

Follow this link and scroll down to watch the video “Love Weeps” about the power of vulnerability.

After watching the video, discuss one or more of the following as a family:

  1. This video discusses how love is hard.  How have you experienced love being hard or difficult?  When has it been hard for you to love someone?
  2. Think of a time when it was really hard to forgive someone.  Why do you think it is so hard to forgive?  What does it cost you to forgive?
  3. Why is the fact that “Jesus wept” helpful?  Why is it helpful to have a God who cries with us, who dies with us, who feels pain like us?
  4. Say the following prayer or one like it:  Gracious God, during this season of Lent we are faced with the reality of the cross, that you suffered and died for us.  Help us to see your love given to us most clearly in the brokenness of our lives, where you tell us that we are never alone.  In the name of Jesus.  Amen.