Past Events (Page 27)

Prayer Walk

Trinity Lutheran Church to Host Prayer Walkout March 14 A community Prayer Walkout in honor of the students killed and in support of the students struggling in response to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shootings will take place at 10:00 am, Wednesday, March 14 on Trinity’s front lawn, weather permitting, or in the Chapel otherwise. Prayers of lament,…

Worship Hub Kick Off

The Worship Hub Team has begun its work and wants to invite you to our Worship Hub Kick Off, Tuesday March 13, at 7 pm in Social Hall!! Enjoy an evening of food, fun, fellowship, and conversation for ALL worship ministry disciples, that include:The Worship Hub Team has begun its work and wants to invite…

Small Group: One Hope: Re-Membering the Body of Christ

Explore experiences and activities that Catholics and Lutherans share and which connect to the living of their faith in embodied ways: breathing, eating, singing, forgiving, serving, and dying. Explore experiences and activities that Catholics and Lutherans share and which connect to the living of their faith in embodied ways: breathing, eating, singing, forgiving, serving, and dying.…

Small Group: One Hope: Re-Membering the Body of Christ

Explore experiences and activities that Catholics and Lutherans share and which connect to the living of their faith in embodied ways: breathing, eating, singing, forgiving, serving, and dying. Explore experiences and activities that Catholics and Lutherans share and which connect to the living of their faith in embodied ways: breathing, eating, singing, forgiving, serving, and dying.…

Small Group: 40-Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Take a personal spiritual journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a well-known and courageous German theologian and Lutheran pastor, who during the Nazi period was imprisoned and killed and whose writings have inspired and influenced Christians around the world. Wednesday, 6:30 – 7:30 pm, Parlor Take a personal spiritual journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a well-known and courageous…

Small Group: The Art of Growing Old: A Guide to Faithful Aging

Faithful aging is not simply aging; it is growing old. It is embracing not only the challenges of a long life, but engaging the possibilities of creativity and depth of soul available to those who have acquired a wealth of experience. This small group is for all adults interested in increasing satisfaction in their lives.…

Small Group: Lectio Divina

Do you need some quiet time for spiritual reflection? Each meeting the leader will read one Bible passage and the members will be listening,meditating,and sharing.This guided meditation is a different way to read and study the Bible.The passage guides the listener to a feeling of calmness and spiritual reflection. Tuesday, 1:00 – 2:00 pm, Rm…

Small Group: The Greatest Prayer

Explore the revolutionary meaning of the cornerstone of Explore the revolutionary meaning of the cornerstone of the Christian faith: the Lord’s Prayer. Sunday, 10:20 -11:20 am, Rm 125-127 Mary Kieras (2/18 through 3/25)   Lenten Small Groups Are you interested in growing your faith? Sharing in conversations and reflection about faith matters? Building relationships with other Trinity…

Small Group: Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for a Searching People

Many Christians are looking for ways to deepen their relationship with God by practicing their faith in everyday life. This small group will help take belief out of the realm of theory and show how to live it out in a series of twelve central practices such as hospitality, forgiveness, healing, testimony and keeping the…

Small Group: Being Christian in the Twenty-first Century

For those who are yearning for a faith and understanding of Christianity that is beyond literalism, dogmatism, and creedal formulations – all of which seem to be driving people away from the church. For those who are yearning for a faith and understanding of Christianity that is beyond literalism, dogmatism, and creedal formulations – all of…