Successful Models of Disability Ministry

How Do They Do That?: Successful Models of Disability Ministry

Instructor:  Candy Nixon
Disability Ministry is as varied as there are types of disability.  There is not “one right way” to do it.  In this session we’ll look at real life examples of how a variety of churches, large and small reach out and minister with people affected by disability.
What you will learn:
How other churches are ministering with people with disabilities Why disability ministry is important in your church.
Resources you can use to develop and grow your disability ministry
Candy Nixon has a bachelor’s degree in Special, Elementary and Early Childhood Education, a Minor in Psychology and graduate work in Early Intervention Services.  She has over 30 years of family and professional experience in disability and church ministry.  Candy also served for seven years as the Pastor to Children and their Families at Immanuel Church.  God has woven her passion for working with those affected by disabilities and her passion for the local church together as she now serves as the Church Relations Manager with Joni and Friends Pennsylvania.
 Joni and Friends:
For over 35 years, the mission of Joni and Friends has been to communicate the Gospel and to equip Christ-honoring churches worldwide to evangelize and disciple people affected by disabilities. Through ministry programs like Family Retreats and Wheels for the World, we serve the global disability community in Christ’s name.