Frequently Asked Questions

We hope you will find that this FAQ answers many of the questions we have received from our Trinity Family over the past months.  

Where can I find the TLC worship video with closed captions? Worship videos with closed captions can be found by going to YouTube and searching for Trinity Lutheran Church, Lansdale, PA. All of the services that have been posted can be found there.  Click on “cc” at the bottom of the video if subtitles are not displayed.

Can I watch Faith at Four – Trinity’s daily, short devotional video – if I don’t have a Facebook account?
While it isn’t possible to like, comment on or share a video, you can view Faith at 4 videos from Trinity’s Facebook page.  Just decline or ignore requests to log on or create an account.

When will the building be open for meetings?
We are currently encouraging small groups to meet either virtually, or outside at Trinity with meeting participants wearing masks and social distanced. 

Are we considering streaming in-person worship services online?
This would be something to consider when we are able to worship together again in the sanctuary. In the meantime, we are continuing to post worship videos on our Facebook page and Website each week. 

Is staff being paid during the pandemic?
Yes. Trinity has maintained all staff and paid them their regularly scheduled hours during the shutdown.

Is there a way to have communion online?
Virtual Communion (Online Communion) is not recommended by the ELCA. It is contrary to the “Community” meal it is intended to be. By having the words of institution available on-line to be clicked on whenever one desires, the sacrament of Holy Communion simply becomes drinking wine and eating bread alone, outside of the community of believers.  However, communion in the form of an individually packaged wafer/juice cup is available at our outdoor worship services on Sundays at 8:30 and 10:00 am. 

Are the Weekly and Lansdale Lutheran publications available during the pandemic?
Weekly information is currently being communicated via our Website, email list, and Facebook page. If you would like to be included on the email list, please email The Lansdale Lutheran was distributed electronically in June and will be published again in August. 

What plans are being made for Sunday School/Faith Formation in the fall?
The Faith Formation hub is looking into creative ways to engage disciples of all ages in faith formation beginning this fall. We know that we will offer online learning experiences such as Bible studies, movie discussions, and book discussions. If we are unable to meet in the building, faith formation resources will be provided for families.

When can we expect to be able to include singing in worship again? 
Currently, it is not safe to sing in gatherings. We know that when we sing, speak loudly, or laugh out loud, the virus can be spread through small respiratory droplets more quickly, even by someone who is symptom-free. Until there is a vaccine or herd immunity, it is unlikely that we will be able to sing while gathering to worship. What we can do, though, is sing inside our heads (kind of like when a melody is “stuck” inside your head!), or participate by clapping along or using simple sign language. 

Given that singing together can become a superspreading event, when will choirs at Trinity resume? 
Our music directors are busy surveying families and making plans for alternative ways of making music together. Adults will likely rehearse and reconnect via Zoom and create virtual choir recordings, and children/youth choirs could utilize percussion instruments and/or handchimes instead of singing. We are also considering how the handbell choir can best be utilized in worship.