Lenten Potluck Soup Supper, 5:30-6:30 pm, Hyson Hall
Join us for dinner followed by:
Lenten Book Study, 6:30 pm, 126
Join us as we read through John Dear’s The Beatitudes of Peace. The book goes through each of the Beatitudes, which Dear calls “‘…the job description of every Christian,’” and “In each chapter, [he] affirms that the God of peace is alive and at work among us, calling [God’s children] into the fullness of a life of true, lasting peace.” Book discussion is open to all ages and will be facilitated by Connor Watson. Following the book discussion will be Midweek Lenten Worship at 7:30 pm. Copies of the book can be purchased through Connor for $15 each.
Week 1 will discuss the Introduction up through Chapter 2 (pp. 1-30).
Holden Evening Prayer, 7:30 pm, Chapel
Praying the Psalms is like basic grammar for Christian worship, but we often bypass them, choosing not to include them in worship. This 30-minute midweek Lenten worship service will include a reflection on the appointed Psalm for the previous Sunday’s worship, as well as a chance to sing that psalm in a different way each week.