Each week during Lent, “From the Ground Up” will focus on our call as Christians to care for all of creation–most especially the environment–and learn what faithful actions we can take to protect our natural environments. Speakers of various vocations who are deeply passionate about our call to care for creation will join us to share their own experiences, the work they do, and what we can be doing in our own lives to show care for creation.  

February 18: Dr. Chuck Coe (Villanova University) will introduce us to Creation Care and what it entails

February 25: The Rev. Dr. Nelson Rivera (United Lutheran Seminary) will discuss with us the ELCA Social Statement on Creation Care and Science, Religion, and the Common Good

March 10: Tracey DePasquale, Director of the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania, will join us to discuss advocacy efforts surrounding Creation Care within the Commonwealth. 

Other speaker announcements are forthcoming, and we are excited for the series to begin! Adult Forum is a fabulous environment to grow one’s faith, ask hard questions, and be in community with one another as we learn together.