
Lenten Meal Time Together

Event Series Lenten Meal Time Together

Join us on Wednesday evenings during Lent for a "meeting for eating" in the Parlor beginning at 5:30 pm. This will be a carry-in meal as you bring your own meal and maybe one to share with another. Sharing meals together is a great way to get connected and get to know others within the Church family. […]

Lent Book Study

Event Series Lent Book Study

Wednesday evenings in Lent Starts March 12-April 9 Book: The Last Week by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan The book can be purchased through Barnes & Noble. Using the gospel of Mark as their guide, top Jesus scholars Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan present a day-to-day account of Jesus’s final week of life. […]

Lent Midweek Services


Holden Evening Prayer During our midweek Lenten series each Wednesday, we will hear a portion of scripture from the last week of Jesus’ life. Together, we will reflect on how God is at work and what this means for us in 2025.

Grief Support Group

Event Series Grief Support Group

Recognizing the deep impact of loss, Trinity launched a Grief Support Group in 2021 to provide comfort and guidance to those in need. Led by Terri Maurice and Marcia Hoffa, we are grateful to now have Frank Attanasia, a professional grief counselor, joining us to offer valuable insight and support. Our sessions meet weekly via […]

Palm Sunday

April 12/13 Sat. 5:30 pm Sun. 8:30 l 10:45 am Trinity Alive! 9:45 am Livestream 8:30 am

Bus Trip to Sight & Sound – Noah

Join us for a fun day to the Sight & Sound Theater in Lancaster to see Noah. Pricing $147 Adult, $100 Child (under 12 years old). Depart from Trinity 8:30 am for 11:00 am show and return 5:30 pm. Registration forms online and at the Welcome Desk! Contact for info.

Lent Book Study

Event Series Lent Book Study

Wednesday evenings in Lent Starts March 12-April 9 Book: The Last Week by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan The book can be purchased through Barnes & Noble. Using the gospel of Mark as their guide, top Jesus scholars Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan present a day-to-day account of Jesus’s final week of life. […]

Red Cross Blood Drive

Hyson Hall

Support others in need. To make an appointment online, please go to and enter Trinity Lutheran Lansdale. Celebrating our 2024 Results! 6 blood drives    -    215 Donors 2 First-Time Donors 199 Pints of Blood Collected 597 Lives Saved

Grief Support Group

Event Series Grief Support Group

Recognizing the deep impact of loss, Trinity launched a Grief Support Group in 2021 to provide comfort and guidance to those in need. Led by Terri Maurice and Marcia Hoffa, we are grateful to now have Frank Attanasia, a professional grief counselor, joining us to offer valuable insight and support. Our sessions meet weekly via […]