Maria Brown

Admin. Assistant/Receptionist

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About Me:

Education & Training

Maria Brown has been a Lansdale resident since January 2002 and formally joined Trinity Lutheran in 2013. She is the oldest of three children lived most of her childhood in the Philadelphia area and graduated from the Philadelphia High School for Girls’. During this time she attended Advocate Lutheran Church where she was confirmed and enjoyed singing in the choir and participating in the teen youth program (Luther League).

Maria attended Montgomery County Community College over the years and worked in banking for more than 35 years, for most of that time as branch manager and retired in December of 2017.

In 2018, Maria was a part time temporary replacement in Trinity’s office for three months as Administrative Assistant/Receptionist, which she enjoyed. In addition, she serves as a baptism guide, gift bearer, and worship support at the Saturday evening service. She is also a team member of the Christian Care Hub and now most recently has returned as Administrative Assistant part time for Christian Care, Faith Formation, and Fellowship Hubs.

Maria loves spending time with her son, Stewart, her mother, and brother, who are local for family gatherings. She also likes going to the gym, gardening, reading, and games and spending time with friends and neighbors, many are also part of our church family here at Trinity. Maria is happy to be working at Trinity, again!